The legendary Lentulus (Lentulo) family
According to the most serious and authoritative biographies of Scipio Lentulus (Scipione Lentulo), he: …was born in Naples in early November 1525 to Cesare, belonging to an ancient patrician family. The father died, he was adopted by the noble Campania GA Gagliardo, second husband of the mother. [by Simonetta Adorni Braccesi – Biographical Dictionary of […]
The spiritual journey of Scipio Lentulus
Connection to the family line: Lentulus > Erlach (in Bern) > Fasnacht (Bern to USA) > Cleenewerck LENTULO (Lentolo), Scipione . – He was born in Naples in early November 1525 to Cesare, belonging to an ancient patrician family. The father died, he was adopted by the noble Campania GA Guagliardo, second husband of the mother. In 1535 he entered […]
Paul Lentulus: Between Here and Eternity
LENTULUS: Famille patricienne de Berne, membre de la corporation des Tanneurs, dont l’ancêtre, Paul (1560-1613), médecin à Bâle, fut appelé en 1592 comme médecin de la ville de Berne qui lui octroya la bourgeoisie; il se rendit acquéreur de la seigneurie de Corcelles-sur-Chavornay. Son fils Julius Caesar (1597-1671) siégea au Grand Conseil en 1629, au […]
The Royal descendants of the Erlach family
The von Erlach family was a recognized pillar of the Swiss city of Bern, and a statue of Rudolf (born 1299 in Bern, died in 1360) stands to this day as a reminder of the unique status of this dynasty. Rudolf was the son of Urlich the First and Ulrich the Elder. A descendant of […]
Lessons from Genealogy
Genealogy may seem like a futile exercise, as Gandalf explains about the decline of Gondor, in the Lord of Rings: The old wisdom born out of the west was forsaken. Kings made tombs more splendid than the houses of the living and counted the old names of their descent dearer than the names of their […]
Other Family Lines
Every human being is the result of countless (but finite) generations of parents, and the number of ancestors is easily computed: 8th generation -200 (years ago) ancestors: 256 9th generation -225 ancestors: 512 10th generation -250 ancestors: 1,024 11th generation -275 ancestors: 2,048 One is almost certain to find “interesting” lines of ancestry, which become […]